WGRZ reports Myweh Harris, who is accused of setting fire to a house on Buffalo’s East Side, may have untreated mental illness. This is according to her father, Huey Hornsby, who told WGRZ, “I have been trying to get help for this young lady for the last year. I’m stressed out about this young lady because she’s my daughter. I love her, but I can’t do anything to help her because she’s an adult.” Ms. Harris’s family told WGRZ she has refused medical assistance in the past.
Asked for my comments, I told WGRZ, “If the adult does not want to have mental health treatment, it’s very difficult to get that treatment and to get some type of crisis intervention to get them evaluated. Two experts have to sign off and say that the adult individual is an immediate threat to themselves or others.” According to her family, this determination has not been made about Ms. Harris.
Read more and watch a related video at WGRZ’s website.
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