Is it possible to assemble an impartial jury in the pending case against former President Donald Trump? How will the case put pressure on the court? Attorney Barry Covert spoke with WIVB News 4 Buffalo's Tara Lynch to provide legal analysis on the case. Click here to watch WIVB's full report, including legal analysis from Barry Covert.
Now that former President Donald Trump has been indicted; what will the next steps be for the prosecutors and defense attorneys in this case? Barry Covert provided legal analysis for WIVB News 4 Buffalo Wake Up anchors Abby Fridmann and Chris Horvatits. Click here to watch WIVB Wake Up's full interview with Barry Covert.
Cheektowaga police are investigating a video posted to social media, which documents a man yelling racial slurs in the parking lot of an area supermarket. Barry Covert spoke with Claudine Ewing to provide legal analysis for WGRZ 2 On Your Side's report on this matter. Click here to watch WGRZ's full report.
Niagara County’s Forensic Lab is facing several allegations by the State Oversight Commission. Could violations impact past cases where evidence was handled by the Niagara County lab? Barry Covert spoke with reporter Andy Paden for WGRZ 2 On Your Side's coverage of this story. Click here to watch WGRZ's full report, including legal analysis from Barry Covert.
A Buffalo Police Department sniper rifle fell from the roof of a building during the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Could this negligence lead to a civil lawsuit? Barry Cover spoke with Tara Lynch to provide legal analysis for WIVB News 4's coverage of this incident. Click here for watch WIVB's full report.
Barry Covert sat down with WIVB News 4 anchor Jacquie Walker for an in-depth interview on the legal aspects of the fire that lead to the tragic death of a Buffalo Firefighter. The matters discussed include details on the potential for criminal and civil litigation. Click here to watch WIVB's full interview with Barry Covert.
Will anyone face criminal charges due to the fatal Main Street fire? Attorney Barry Covert spoke to Nate Benson to provide legal analysis for WGRZ 2 On Your Side's continuing coverage of the tragic fire in Buffalo. Click here to watch WGRZ's full report.
Alec Baldwin has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in New Mexico. What lies ahead and how would the case be handled differently if it was in New York State? Barry Covert spoke with WGRZ 2 On Your Side anchor Scott Levin to provide legal analysis on the case. Click here to watch the full interview.
In her State of the State speech, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul addressed potential changes to New York's bail reform laws. Barry Covert spoke with Michael Wooten for a WGRZ Town Hall to legal provide analysis on New York bail reform and potential changes. Click here to watch WGRZ's full Town Hall interview with Barry Covert.
What are the legal consequences of violating a driving ban during a declared state of emergency? Barry Covert spoke with reporter Katie Anderson for a Buffalo Business First story on the consequences for employers and their employees who drive during a travel ban. Click here for Business First's full story.